My name is Vanessa Jordan and I am a graduate of UW Green Bay with a Bachelor's Degree in Design Arts with an emphasis in Photography. I am a very outgoing person that loves adventure and exploring the world around me. Traveling is one of my passions and capturing memories of the trips I go on are always a perk to every location I explore. This is what sparked my interest in photography and the ability to trigger emotions from how I capture each photo I take.
Fashion is also a big part of my personality as well as my inspiration for my designs. I love the styles of the 1920s and 1940s as well as the music from those times. Life was much simpler back then and women seemed to be respected in certain ways better than they are now. The marketing from the 20s and 40s was simple and elegant and I try to apply those qualities to my designs.
In addition to being involved in all forms of art, I have found one group of people that have touched my heart. That group is people with special needs. For the past three summers I have had the wonderful opportunity to work at a day camp for special needs adolescents ages 8-21. These kids have touched my heart and have changed me in so many ways. I loved to make their day with a new craft or activity that they would get excited for. This job changed me by opening my eyes to different people. We all may be different but we are all beautiful.